A Brief Case For Expository Preaching
Let me briefly outline what I hope to discuss with each of you:
1. What is it?
A. It is allowing God to speak through the text rather than "using" the text to communicate what we want to say. Expository preaching exposes what it is already there. It does not create what is not there or misrepresent what is there.
2. Aren't we doing it now?
A. Our preaching now tends to be "needs-based." Even when we go through a section of scripture consecutively this leads to imposing our own meaning on the text and adjusting or wrestling with the text to accommodate our predetermined intention.
3. Neither Jesus nor the apostles are seen teaching expository sermons in the New Testament. How can you say expository preaching is Biblical?
A. No one had a closed, agreed upon Canon of Scripture until the 4th century, A.D. Now that we have God's revelation that may not be added to, we must look to it to decide how to preach. I think the attached article summarizes well how to do that supported from scripture.
4. Why change the way we're preaching now?
A. When we don't expose the text, we do the opposite, we can impose our own meaning on the text. In our age false teaching and every kind of error is rampant. We like to think we are teaching the whole counsel of God accurately. But if we are not systematically exposing the Word of God, how do we really know if we are wandering or not?
5. Isn't expository preaching dull and boring, full of dry, esoteric facts?
A. On the contrary, our message may be dry, but anyone who reveals the Word of God is always relevant and interesting. More importantly, expository preaching does not depend upon modern showmanship and charisma to be effective. Ordinary men may effectively teach and preach when submitted to God and His word.
6. What's in it for us?
A. The New Testament Church was interactive. People spoke the Word of God to each other, sang to one another, prayed together in church. The hearer shared all good things with the one teaching. When we preach expositorily we not only teach others how to study the Word of God for themselves, we inspire them to interact. We can take the focus off of our personalities and onto the Word of Christ. We encourage people to be active doers rather than passive viewers.
Thanks for taking the time to read,
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